Wednesday, June 1, 2011

No Dominos Allowed

Today's paper carried a good amount of stories dealing with the tornadoes from last week.  Considering the devastation they brought, that's natural.  We expect more stories to come.  One particular tale in today's paper concerned a man who perished saving his wife.  His son was driving to check up on them and saw his father perish.  The man could have made it, but he refused to leave his handicapped wife and died covering her with his body, letting the falling debris crush him.

To many in this day and age, that man would be classified as a 'sucker.'  To a great deal more, he will be remembered as a hero.  To the son, who according to the paper, already had a good deal of fond memories of his father, his last memory of him will be that of him saving his mother.  I would say that man will be remembered well.  The people of the community say he was always there for you.  I'm not surprised.
A man like that - - one who's always there for us - - is a hero.  It's the way a person acts that makes them heroes.  This man was already a hero to his family, and now he is one to the community as well.  It's just that now he's getting attention statewide, due to the newspaper. 

You want to be a hero?  Just think of how your actions affect others.  Before you scoff, think of dominoes.  Tip one over, and they all fall.  We're much like that game.  One of us falls, and it can cause a great deal of devastation.  Don't be a domino.  Be a hero.