Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I'll Tell Ya!

I can't speak for you, but at least once a day, I hear someone wondering what is wrong with either this country or the world.  To tell the truth, sometimes it's me.  I've had many a person say the problem with the United States started when prayer left the schools.  I can't (and won't) argue with that.  We seem to be going straight to hell in a handbasket ever since--and the vast majority of us don't care. 
We see things on television that in our parents' day, the police raided the theatres for.  (Why don't they anymore?)  Things that people had to be 18 to see a five year old can now view, and say, "Daddy, what's she doing?" or "I want to do that when I get older!"  Try explaining to your daughter how nice girls don't act like Miley Cyrus when they're about six years old.
I hear language on the tube that well . . . I got my mouth washed out with Palmolive Gold when I tried it in the church nursery at the age of three.  (I never said I was a smart kid.)  People say, "Bushwah.  It's realism."  Excuse me?  It's supposed to be entertainment.  If I wanted to see the real thing, I wouldn't be watching television!  We're teaching the kids that actual people talk that way?  Uh, when I did try talking that way, like I said, Palmolive Gold and I had a meeting of the minds with my only toothbrush!  (I was the only three year old who looked forward to going to the dentist so I could get another.)  I know a lot of folks who don't, and I'm sad to say were their lives on the tube, they'd make them sound like sailors.
Yes, I know.  I'm old fashioned.  I've been told I'm as outdated as buggy whips and the Edsel.  That doesn't mean I'm wrong, though.  Look at the popularity of 'Duck Dynasty,' a clean show that espouses Christian values.  PG animated movies generally top the box office every year.

So when are Hollywood and America going to learn?