Friday, November 5, 2010

Whatever Happened to Thanksgiving?

November is upon us.  And we know what that means.

Oh, forget about Thanksgiving.  The stores have.  Haven't you heard the Christmas music playing?  Noticed the decorations?  It's Christmas time and we're in the first week of November!

Anyone feel sick yet?

Don't get me wrong.  I love Christmas.  It's my favorite holiday.  I enjoy sitting around with the family, celebrating the birth of our Savior, but you know, I don't think it's supposed to be a two-month wingding for the stores.  Those who start putting out their Christmas specials in June are truly beyond me.  (I once had a customer ask me where the Christmas decorations were, and it was March.  She chewed me out when she learned she had to wait another three months.)

While I confess my Christmas shopping is already done - - - I admit to brilliant planning and a good amount of use of the Internet - - - I merely want to know . . . have we forgotten about Thanksgiving?  In today's time, it's mainly turkey, football, and the beginning of Christmas sales.  But let's look at the word.  Do we remember to give thanks anymore, or is it just another day off for some of us?

We need to note the history of this day, as the Pilgrims gave thanks for their bounty, and that is what we should do.  While it's a restful day for some, and generally a chaotic day for the ladies, for the most part we are with those that we love.  Stop and remember why you're with these people, and even if you do so silently, give a prayer of gratitude. Pray for the country you live in and acknowledge the freedoms that you have.  You have a lot to be grateful for, and give thanks for it.  It only takes a fleeting moment and is painless.  It doesn't cost anything either, unlike your Christmas shopping.

So as we enter the holidays, enjoy them.  But take it slowly, and remember that these are times to savor.  And to give thanks for.

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