Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas & Technology

Life is a lot like the old Virgina Slims ads.  Y'know, "You've come a long way, baby."  But there are certain times when one has to wonder if progress is really . . . well, progress.  We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle, communicating via machines (just as we are now) that we forget that communication via the spoken word is something special.  Here's an interesting example:

Now this is well done, has humor in it and is cute.   But it takes all the personal touches out of the story.  I seriously doubt the creator of this video meant that, but that's what technology is doing.

You want a personal touch to the story?  It's hand-drawn, more than likely memorized by many of us, and will be remembered long after most of us are gone.  I've mentioned it already, but one can never talk about it enough.

But you know what?  In the long run, I guess it doesn't matter as both get the point across.  This is the time we celebrate the birth of our Savior, and that is joyous reason for celebration.  It doesn't matter if you're getting the message via iPod or from Linus, as long as the message continues to be spread:  Let's continue to pass it along.

Merry Christmas Everyone.                         

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