Friday, September 2, 2011

We Never Realize

The other day, I was checking my page at Facebook, and noticed a message from someone I didn't know.  Those particular messages one tends to be careful of, as they generally start out, "Hey Handsome . . ."  (What makes those interesting is my photo is one of my grandfather when he was in his late seventies!)

Yet this message was from a woman who is married to a fellow I went to grade school with, and haven't seen in nearly forty years.  Needless to say, I've never met her.  She let me know her husband remember me as I was an epileptic, and they have two boys, ages six and seven, who are autistic.  In her words, "John has recognized a lot of behaviors in our sons because of his interactions with you and it has helped him to better understand you as a child and our children as they grow. I just wanted to let you know that whether you know it or not you have had an enormous impact on many people." 

Wow.  Needless to say, that hit me right between the eyes.  I'm not bragging my posting this, but it makes one think about the effect we have on others without realizing it.  It also makes us think about our behavior, and how we need to keep an eye on it.  One should set a sterling example, as we never know who is watching, and what they are picking up from us.

John has set a sterling example, and I am very proud of him.  He has shown himself to be an excellent father I know there are others who watch him, his not knowing it.  It continues . . .


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