Monday, October 17, 2011

Mr. Rogers Was Right

I love getting up early, seeing the moon still shining and the stars twinkling high in the sky.  Cricket wonders why I rise so durned early, but she lives with it.  We look out the window to see if the deer are here, and if they are treat ourselves to a majestic view.
Fred Rogers
Mr. Rogers was right.  It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood, and I for one intend on enjoying it to the fullest.  We feed the deer and other animals, letting them know our property is a sanctuary. I view the sky at night, grateful I can still see the stars, knowing in town it's an impossibility. 

Mr. Rogers was someone we always made fun of, but he taught kids to accent the positive and eliminate the negative.  In today's day and age, that is the opposite of what we think, and he wouldn't be as popular as he was.  Yet he influenced several generations of children to the point his show ran for years after his passing.

We need Mr. Rogers once again.  His positive attitude and his teachings--They were simplistic, not beating the children over the head, merely making a point and going on.

And maybe we adults need to watch the show as well.

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