Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why Just One Day?

Kirk Douglas
 This must be my month for Kirk Douglas stories.  But they seem to fit, so I'm not apologizing. 

In one of his books, he wrote of how he was serving as an emissary of the United States, and was eating a meal of grubworms with a tribe.  He turned to the tribal elder, saying, "Today is Thanksgiving in my country.  We give thanks for what we have today."

The man replied, "We give thanks for what we have every day."

Douglas wrote of how he suddenly felt very small.  This man, who literally had nothing, was grateful for what he had, including a meal of grubworms. The same for everyone in his village.  Douglas, who made a good living, gave thanks once a year, as do many of us Americans.  He learned something that day, and hoped to pass it along in his book.

Like the actor, I too felt tiny upon reading the man's statement.  I am sure I'm not the only one, and all of Douglas' books have been best sellers, so that man has made quite an impact.  The elder knew what was important in life and has passed along his lesson.  We need to be grateful for what we have instead of concentrating on what we don't have.  Be thankful to God each and every day for what He has given us.  Not just on Thanksgiving, but 365 days of the year.

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