Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why This 'n That?

When I was a kid, The Yukon Review wasn't a paper that would have an article that said, Cont. on pg. 5. and not have its conclusion or have an article printed upside down. Not hardly, as Jim Watson was its editor and publisher. He took immaculate care of the paper and it was a masterpiece.

But what I remember most about the Review when he was in charge, were his editorials. There was a caricature of Mr. Watson on the front page. It had him sitting at his typewriter, tossing a piece of paper behind him. Below was his column, which was always entitled "This 'n That". After twenty-eight years, I still remember the best one he ever did. His wife had gone on a trip to Israel (I remember the time and place, as my mother was on the same trip.), and he had just put her on the plane. Now, he wasn't lonely, but he decided to pass the time, so he went outside and watched the grass grow. Then he decided to watch the paint peel on his house. He did things like this throughout his day and realized it had been an hour since her plane had left. The way he wrote it was hilarious. When we picked our families up at the airport, I let him know how much I laughed at that and he informed me it had been written three weeks before the ladies had left on the trip. Utterly brilliant.

So the title of this blog is a tribute to my first literary hero. And for those who know me, no it's not going to be merely about movies and baseball. It's going to be this and that. A little bit of everything. My late college roomie Paul Hammond would have been the perfect one to write this, as he could give an intelligent conversation on any topic, whether it be politics or the effect of gamma rays on the Zororastrian religion in Zimbabwe.

But you're stuck with me, talking about this n' that.

See you in a few days.

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